Subbed Television Shows

The easiest way to see if a television show is listed is by Ctrl + F. Also, click on the link to be able to view.

All of the videos have Eng subs, or English subtitles.

I don't own anything. I did not translate these either. Credit goes to the subbers, typesetters, encoders, and the overall project team that devotes their time to doing this.

Click here for more Taiwanese dramas that may be downloaded.
Click herehere, or here for more Japanese videos that may be downloaded.

**This list is still being updated**

Japanese Dramas

Hana Yori Dango Season 2

Minami-kun no Koibito

Namida Wo Fuite

Nobuta Wo Produce

Yoiko no Mikata

Yamada Taro Monogatari

Japanese Movies